Google+ Social Media Impact Toronto: 5 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter, Facebook and Beyond | Social Media Examiner 5 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter, Facebook and Beyond | Social Media Examiner - Social Media Impact Toronto - See more at:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

5 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter, Facebook and Beyond | Social Media Examiner


5 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter, Facebook and Beyond | Social Media Examiner: "Why Use a Hashtag?
Hashtags make it easier for people to find and follow discussions about brands, events and promotions. They also let brands track the performance of promotions across social media.

Hashtags can determine how easily you can target and track a campaign. You’ve probably seen many businesses use generic hashtags like #food or #chocolate. While these will get your update into a large conversation, using such broad hashtags is wasting your time.

Can you imagine how many posts (tweets or otherwise) contain #chocolate every minute? Managing the hashtag would be a nightmare. You’d spend weeks sorting through every instance of the hashtag to determine which mentions apply to you.

It’s worth the effort (and your sanity) to come up with a unique hashtag that fits with your particular campaign."

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