5 Steps to Increased Visual Content Engagement | SEJ: "5 Steps to Increased Visual Content Engagement | #Infographic"-
Jonathan Long : Sorurce HERE
Visual content performs better because the average consumer absorbs more of what they see than what they read. While we tend to only remember 20% of what we read, we remember 80% of what we see. Visual content creates more engagement, and the longer you can hold someone’s attention, the greater the chance of them converting – whether that is a list signup, a download, a phone call, or a sale.
In order to engage your audience you need to create very good visual content. So, what does “very good” mean? You need to make sure you have a topic of interest your target audience, then match it with great colors, an awesome design, and a well thought out plan for promotion.
The infographic below was created to help you create awesome visual content, and develop
a plan that results in a positive ROI.
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